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New Ways to Get in Shape for Summer!


Studies suggest that CBD for weight loss is an effective tool. The consumption of CBD also has been known to be an appetite suppressant, so it won’t give you the munchies. That’s right. CBD weight loss is possible. You can lose weight by ingesting CBD oil. Cannabidiol, or CBD, can be used for many things. It’s become the new “go to” plant based product and for good reason. As more research is conducted in CBD, the more we will truly understand how healthful it can be. Whether it’s to relieve stress or reduce chronic pain, CBD benefits are plentiful.

Read the next section on how it works:


As the United States slowly allows more research on medical marijuana, there will continue to grow a plethora of CBD products that can be used to treat ailments of the human body.

CBD oil for weight loss is just one of those health benefits. Many individuals find it hard to believe that cannabidiol (CBD) can help assist weight loss because they automatically associate cannabis with the “munchies” and, therefore, assume CBD will increase their appetite. However, CBD for weight loss seems likely to work — and work well.

Will CBD make you hungry? (aka “the Munchies?”)

You won’t get hungry by consuming CBD. It just doesn’t work that way, which is a good thing. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is what’s responsible for both the psychoactive effects people feel after consuming and the so-called "munchies" they may get. This is found in the cannabis plant, alongside CBD, but when the CBD is extracted, it is extracted without the THC component.

Therefore, CBD has the opposite effect. It doesn’t give you the munchies. In fact, CBD actually suppresses appetite. CBD stimulates genes and proteins that break down fat cells within the human body and reduces the amount of new fat cells that are generated. Another powerful weight loss property of CBD is that it increases the level of mitochondria found within the body, allowing the body to burn more calories.


One of the greatest benefits of CBD is its ability to increase the process of browning fat. Fat browning is the process that changes white colored fat tissue into beige/brown fat tissue. White fat is what’s responsible for preserving energy. Brown fat indicates the burning of energy. So instead of letting white fat build up, CBD will help the browning process and burn fat altogether.

Research shows that CBD does indeed have a direct effect on our metabolism. During 2016, Korean researchers published a study on the topic in the scientific journal Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry. After carefully monitoring CBD and its effects on immature fat cells, aka preadipocytes, astonishingly they found that the cannabinoid has not one, but three ways of effecting “fat browning.”

In a recent study conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 579 were currently doing CBD and 1975 were using CBD in the past. In multivariable-adjusted models, current CBD use was associated with 16% lower fasting insulin levels and 17% lower HOMA-IR. The study found significant associations between CBD use and smaller waist circumferences.


The worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly tripled between 1975 and 2016, according to the World Health Organization. Overweight and obese people suffer high risks of associated sickness, diabetes, and disability. Now more than ever it’s important for people to start considering healthier options for their weight loss plan.

A natural alternative to medication can be the use of CBD, which has been shown to aid in weight loss. CBD for fighting obesity is a great tool in your weight loss arsenal.


Obesity in the world has tripled since 1975. In 2016, nearly 2 billion adults were overweight. These numbers show just how important it is that there’s something that can help with weight loss — and something that can decrease these staggering numbers.


Unfortunately, there aren’t many drugs that medical professionals regard as safe or non-toxic that can address the development of obesity. Research shows that CBD can reduce food intake, while simultaneously treating the symptoms which are typically associated with obesity. Those obesity symptoms include high blood pressure and anxiety. Therefore, CBD is considered to be a non-stimulant based appetite suppressant, as well as an aid in thermogenesis.


A study into CBD’s effects on obesity published in the Journal of Hepatology looked at the effects of CBD. The results indicated that CBD reduced accumulated lipid levels, increased lipid metabolism, and increased yolk lipid mobilization which inhibits the development of hepatic steatosis and liver disease.

The results of the studies being done on CBD use show a clear correlation between alterations in appetite, weight gain, and emotions associated with food. CBD is a safe, effective, and extremely beneficial tool to utilize when trying to lose body fat.


When it comes to CBD and weight loss, it’s clear that CBD oil can help. Cannabidiol weight loss is truly something to consider. If you are considering incorporating CBD into your weight loss plan you can purchase the best online CBD products here >>

These statements have not been evaluated and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure disease. Please consult with a health professional when implementing with any current medical regimen.

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