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The Health Master
Dec 6, 20233 min read
Coils Burning too Fast? Losing Battery Power? Tanks Leaking?
While this might seem obvious, the first port of call when your coil is burning is to ensure that it is properly saturated with e-liquid....
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The Health Master
Nov 30, 20235 min read
Ohms, Watts, & Mg’s, Oh My!!!
Here is a question that comes up regardless of a beginner or expert vaper. What ohms should be used for the various milligrams and watt...
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The Health Master
Feb 22, 20224 min read
Begginer's Guide to Using a Vape Pen for the First Time
Disposable vape pens are one of the best ways to consume CBD. However, they can also be a little confusing, especially if you haven't...
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The Health Master
Feb 8, 20223 min read
Switching to E-Cigarettes Can Lengthen a Person's Life
Switching to E-Cigarettes Can Lengthen a Person's Life. Researchers say vaping instead of smoking can add years to the lives of 6 million...
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